Erica Hannam
for Kaipātiki Local Board
The Kaipātiki area has significant built heritage and outstanding walking tracks. For the past 15 years, my home has been in Kaipātiki - Beach Haven and Northcote Point.
Married to Richard with two small dogs; my passions are heritage, parks, reserves and walking. I am the President of the Birkenhead Heritage Society. My iwi affiliation is Ngāpuhi.
Born and raised on Auckland’s North Shore, I attended Browns Bay Primary, Murrays Bay Intermediate and Rangitoto College. I studied Journalism at ATI (now AUT) and hold a BBS in Economics and Communications.
In 1998 I founded a software company which absorbed many hours over numerous years, requiring considerable international travel. Today I work in our automotive industry family business.
I sincerely believe my background, financial and business training, and love of our local environment and heritage complement Shore Action. Your vote is essential.