John Gillon
for Kaipātiki Local Board
As Chair of the Kaipātiki Local Board, I’ve led a cohesive, stable and strong board.
I’ve opened workshops to the public, held Council and AT to account, axed ratepayer-funded meals, and challenged Council’s crazy proposals (including downgrading roads to loose chipseal, Onewa Road cameras, freedom-camping on all roads, selling parkland).
Our Shore Action team has delivered huge investment in the environment, pest-free initiatives, bush track upgrades. We’ve modernised playgrounds, installed shadesails, rebuilt facilities. We’ve supported sports clubs, community groups, the arts.
I support progressing the clearway on Onewa Road, new playgrounds and basketball courts, upgrading bush tracks, improving public transport, vibrant town centres, keeping developers within zoning rules, increasing Council transparency.
I’m positive and passionate about our community. I have 15 years governance experience on various boards, and am admin of three Facebook community groups connecting 50,000+ members of the Kaipātiki community.