The Shore Action Plan 2022-2025
We've achieved a lot, but there is more to do:

- Continue leading a cohesive, stable and strong Kaipātiki Local Board.
- Open, honest and transparent decision-making – only one of a few local boards to hold public workshops.
- Continue to fight hard to retain local funding, assets and decision-making.
- Financially prudent management of Kaipātiki budgets.
- Continue to hold Auckland Council, Councillors, Eke Panuku,
- Auckland Transport, Waka Kotahi NZTA, Government and the new Three Waters entity to account.
- Continue investing in Maori community development and working with Mana Whenua on projects such as dual naming of parks, naming of new streets, celebrating Maori heritage and history.
- Support improvements in our community’s well-being.
- Listen to you, keep you informed and speak on your behalf.

- Continue to hold Auckland Transport to account, and demand that they listen to you and the Kaipātiki Local Board.
- Action on Onewa Road! Progress the clearway; create shared cycling/pedestrian path; improve safety outside Northcote Primary; reduce poles and clutter.
- Stop the downgrade of suburban roads to chip seal!
- Support safer school streets.
- Improve ferry services and bus connections.
- Support new Waitematā Harbour crossing and Northern Pathway (Northcote Pt to Constellation Dr) with more connections into Kaipātiki.
- Advocate for a shared cycling/pedestrian loop connecting Birkenhead to Beach Haven to Glenfield.

- Protect and enhance our environment.
- Continue to increase pest-free initiatives and education via Pest Free Kaipātiki, Kaipātiki Project and park volunteer groups.
- Continue bush track upgrades and protect our precious kauri from dieback disease.
- Greening of Kaipātiki, with more park and street trees.
- Action on Little Shoal Bay flooding and inundation.
- Clean streams, ponds and Wairau Estuary.
- New headland regional park - transform and unify Chelsea Estate Heritage Park, Chatswood Reserve and Kauri Point Centennial Park.
- No park sales!

-Continue upgrading and maintaining our playgrounds and sports facilities.
-More shadesails over playgrounds to protect our tamariki.
-Build new splashpad, basketball courts and pontoons.
-Continue to fund the family-friendly Summer Fun play in our parks and Winter Fun play in our halls.

- Vibrant and safer town centres.
- Support our sports clubs, volunteers, youth, cultural groups, community houses and network hubs.
- Continue to champion the Northcote town centre redevelopment, with new community building, town square, parks and connections.
- Support increasing public art throughout Kaipātiki.
- Support the Beach Haven marae proposal.
- Protect our heritage and special character areas. Keep developers within the zoning rules.